What does China's hypersonic missile vehicle test means to the Americans?

By Tendar Tsering
January 18, 2014
Entering into the new year 2014,China has become the second nation, only next to the United States to posses a hypersonic missile vehicle. What does that mean to the Americans?

robably, China's military strength is not in a position to overpower the American military power but Beijing's recent ultrahigh-speed missile test flight definitely signals that China is running in a parallel way along with the world super power nation.
Following the test of the missile, Chinese National Defense Ministry on Wednesday issued a statement clarifying that it's missile test flight is not aimed at delivering warheads through the missile defenses of the United States.
What does that statement means? The statement indirectly means that U.S.A. won't last to enjoy its position as the world's most powerful nation.

The Obama administration shouldn't be alarmed, but at the same time, should not ignore Chinese movements. China among the Asian neighboring countries is known as a very deceptive nation. China always says something but does something else. What it does not always means what it means either. America should understand Beijing's real intentions.

"It is normal for China to conduct scientific experiments within its borders according to its plans. The tests were not aimed at any nation nor any specific target," said the Chinese defense ministry according to the Chinese state mouth piece, China Daily.

In a way, China's recent missile test is a response to Obama's strategic "pivot" to Asia.

It is not just the missiles but cyber security attacks that the Washington government should be concerned of.

It is long known that Beijing had set up military secret intelligent offices where its military hackers are assigned to hack into the American business administrations and government official websites to steal classified information.

At several occasions, the Obama administration had strongly warned the Chinese government to stop stealing secret information from the American business administrations and government websites. The whole world was obviously with the Americans.

However, last year, just before a cyber security meeting between the presidents of the two countries,a former U.S.A. National Security Agency staff, Edward Snowden came out blaming the American agency of monitoring millions of phone calls and  movements of people around the world.

Edward Snowden's leaks was a big blown upon the American administration when it comes to the global cyber security debate between the two countries.

Mr. Snowden who is currently in Russia is globally hailed as a whistle blower--an American hero in protecting the privacy and freedom of speech. However, given the fact that Snowden initially moved to Hong Kong which is under China and then to Russia, the Washington government probably got reasons to suspect Snowden as a link to the leftest. Instead of limiting its agency's power, the American president perhaps need to sort out all potential leftest links from the agency.

NOTE-- The above article is republished from TCDailyplanet, a Minnesota based local news portal

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