Tibetans urge Taipei government to recognize its exile Identity Card

Tibet Telegraph

DHARAMSHALA, December 17: Tibetan refugees in Taiwan, and Tibetan supporters on Friday urged the Taipei government to fully recognize the exile Tibetan refugee certificate - IC.

Tibetans in Taiwan are unable to get work permit even after staying there for more than three years and unable to get its citizenship even if a Tibetan get married to a Taiwanese.

"If a Chinese gets married to a Taiwenese, citizenship is sure to get within 6 to 7 years but Tibetans can't even after 7 years," the Tibetan Radio, Voice of Tibet quoted a Tibetan living in Taiwan as saying.

Tibetans have been urging the Taipei government for years to empower the exile identity certificate - a certificate issued by the Indian government and recognized by almost all the countries except China and its allies.

"The government is telling us that they will easily issue us if we have Indian passport, and we told them that we don't take Indian passport because we plan to return back to Tibet, not to stay in exile for ever," said a Tibetan, living in Taiwan.

Being asked if Taipei government accept IC if any one makes traveling to Taiwan, the general secretary of the Dalai Lama Bureau office in Delhi replied in positive.

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